NZ Domain Name Scams
We are aware of a range of different domain name scams that are targeting both .NZ domain registrants, and .com and other international Domain extensions. These type of scams have been going on for many years, but in recent times they have become more common. Often these scams are in the form of an invoice from an unknown source, that lists the ‘Domain Name’ and a registration period, and an amount you need to pay for a 1 year term. These are being sent to the registrants of domain names. These scam emails often list the price at $86, which is a lot more than our regular .NZ domain renewal price. But if you read the terms in the invoice, the invoice is actually for a domain ‘optimization submission’, and nothing to do with the domain name renewal itself. These emails should be deleted and not paid, and treated like any other online scam. If you are a Lounge Network Client, the only domain renewal reminders you should receive are from us.
Lounge Network is one of New Zealands longest established Domain Name providers. We also don’t outsource our support to Indian contact centres like many New Zealand providers now do, so you are only dealing with staff based in New Zealand. We are also 100% New Zealand owned, and have no foreign ownership, so all profits stay in New Zealand.
If you want to register a new domain, or transfer your domain to us. For .NZ domains, your existing applied domain credit is automatically transferred with your domain. All transfers are free, although international extensions require the domain to be renewed for 1 year prior to transfer.
Register or Transfer your NZ Domain Name now