We have a small number of clients who are still hosted on the old Windows hosting platform, which has now reached the end of its life. This platform is no longer supported by Microsoft and they no longer release security patches for it. Websites on this platform will therefore be migrated by our upstream providers […]
Vodafone is closing it’s NZ Domain and Web Hosting Services – We Can Help You
As you may have heard in the NZ media, Vodafone New Zealand is closing down it’s NZ Domain Registration, Web Hosting and Email hosting services. Vodafone will need all of it’s customers to move their domain, web and email hosting services before 28th February 2019. If you are a Vodafone customer and are in this […]
Removing TLSv1 Support For PCI Compliance
Our upstream providers have removed support for TLSv1 on all CPanel based our shared servers, on our NZ web hosting plans. They have done this in anticipation of the upcoming June 30, 2018 global removing of support for this protocol. You can read more about it here: https://blog.pcisecuritystandards.org/are-you-ready-for-30-june-2018-sayin-goodbye-to-ssl-early-tls . This is just an informational message.
KERNEL MEMORY ISSUE: Meltdown / Spectre NZ
You may be aware of the global Kernel Memory Leakage vulnerability issues relating to CPU vendors which was announced to the public late last week by international media. Our upstream provider is working on this and has outlined what you need to know below and they are actively working with their hardware vendors and operating system […]

Need a Reliable NZ Web Host Provider?
One of the most common types of enquiries we get at the Lounge Network, is from people who are having trouble with their current NZ Web Host provider. They are contacting us as a potential new reliable NZ Web Host for their website hosting. One of the common traits with these types of enquiries, is that […]
Web Hosting SSL Certificates NZ
We have noticed an increase in the number of clients wanting to setup Web Hosting SSL Certificates on their NZ website. This is mainly due to moves from Google, to allegedly rank secure websites using Web Hosting SSL certificates, better than those which don’t use SSL Certificates. The good news is that all of our […]
Spark / Xtra / Yahoo email problems, when sending via their SMTP server.
There are reports that Spark / Xtra / Yahoos email system is currently blocking authenticated third party email addresses, from sending via their SMTP server. This problem is apparently causing emails sent via Spark / Xtra /Yahoos SMTP server, to bounce back with the following error 550 5.7.1 You are not authorized to send as name@yourdomain.co.nz […]
Premium Business NZ Web Hosting Plan Upgrades
We are pleased to announce that our Premium Business NZ Web Hosting Plan has been upgraded. This hosting plan now supports PHP 7 and MariaDB 10.1. Clients should be able to switch to PHP 7 by selecting the PHP 7 (new) domain template, when editing their domain settings. With MariaDB 10.1, if you don’t see this option […]
Merry Xmas 2016
As 2016 winds down, we would like wish all our clients a relaxing and safe festive holiday season. We thank you for your business over the year. 2016 has been another busy year, with a number of significant updates and advances on the hosting platforms. All of our hosting platforms have now been updated to now support […]
Wellington Earthquakes and Office disruptions
As you may already know Wellington and upper parts of the South Island were rocked by a severe earthquake this morning, causing quite a bit of damage. The regions continues to be rocked by severe aftershocks. We hope everyone is safe and ok across NZ. Our main office has been disrupted by the Wellington earthquakes. […]