Domain Manager Login

NZ Domain NamesOur NZ Domain Manager system allows full self service management of most types of Domain Names. It works with all New Zealand Domain Name extensions (eg. .NZ domains), as well as most of the popular Global Domain Names Extensions (eg .com, .net etc).

Our NZ Domain Name Manager allows our clients to Register New Domains, Renew Existing Domains or Transfer domain names into our Domain Management platform. Clients also have full control over their domains nameservers, and are also able to update their domains contact details online is real-time. We offer FREE Domain Manager Account setup, as well as FREE Domain Transfers into the system.


Setup a FREE Domain Manager Account today. Existing clients please login below.


Setup a FREE Domain Manager Account Existing Client Login


The Free Domain Manager Account does not include any services, unless you have an active domain registered or transferred into the system. You can transfer your existing domain names for free into our domain manager system, or you can register a new domain.