NZ Domain Names – They say Possession is 9/10th of the Law
We would like to remind all .NZ Domain Name Registrants how important it is to enter accurate details with registering .NZ domain names, and keeping that information up to date. One of the biggest problems we see is when a company hires a third party to setup a website, and the domain gets registered in the name of the person who set it up, instead of the companies name. We have seen this happen a lot, and it can cause major problems when it comes down to who is the actual legal registrant/owner of that NZ domain name. It is one of the requirements of having a NZ domain Name, that it is always registered under the correct name, and all contact details are correct at all times. More information on the responsibilities of Domain Registrants can be found at
With our NZ Domain Name Registration services, we provide all of our NZ Domain clients with their own real-time domain management control panel, with full real-time Domain management tools. Our NZ Domain Name Manager can be accessed at . Our NZ Domain Name Manager system is all hosted in New Zealand, and is fully support by NZ based staff. Please contact us if you are interested in transferring your domains to a 100% NZ based company. Alternatively you can transfer your NZ Domain Names into our NZ Domain Name Manager instantly by creating a FREE Domain Manager account at