.NZ Domains 30 Day expiry for UDAIs
.NZ Domain Registrants should know that UDAIs (Unique Domain Authorisation ID) for all .NZ domains now expire after 30 days after they have last been generated.
If you have previously saved your UDAI and it is older than 30 days, it will now be invalid. If you need your domain UDAI for registering a new .NZ domain name inside your control panel, you can easily generate your UDAI and register your new shorter .NZ domain name via our advanced domain control panel at www.controlpanel.co.nz
We realise that registering a shrter version of your .NZ domain name can be confusing, so please email us if you would like us to register it for you.
If you are registering a brand new .NZ domain, you will be able to do this via our simple .NZ Domain Manager system at www.domains.loungenetwork.co.nz .
Register a new shorter .NZ Domain Name