We are aware of a range of different domain name scams that are targeting both .NZ domain registrants, and .com and other international Domain extensions. These type of scams have been going on for many years, but in recent times they have become more common. Often these scams are in the form of an invoice […]
Vodafone Email – Vodafone NZ phasing out their email services
UPDATE: Since we originally wrote this article, Vodafone are extending the phase out to other email addresses as well. Vodafone is phasing out their email services. Vodafone say that they are not able to provide the level of service that customers require for an email service The email services that will be phased out will […]

Domainz and NZ Domain Names – Clearing up any confusion
There is still quite a lot of confusion out there about New Zealand NZ Domain Names, the involvement of Domainz. Even some of our own clients who registered their NZ domain names originally many years ago, have been confusd. So we have written this article to help to clear up any confusion that people may […]

Deadline to register reserved .NZ domain names is running out
The deadline to register your reserved second level .nz Domain Name(s) is 1.00pm on 30 March 2017. If your domain isn’t registered and paid for before then, then the domain will be released back into the public pool, allowing anyone to register it. Please note that to register a reserved domain name, you will need […]

New Domain Name Extensions Added to our NZ Domain Name Manager
We are excited to add a range of new Domain extensions to our NZ Domain Manager. You can check out all the domains we can now register at domains.loungenetwork.co.nz Some of these new domains are perfect for certain industries. For example if you are a builder, you can now register a domain that ends in […]

Less than 5 days left to register your shorter PRR .NZ Domain Name
September of last year saw the introduction of .nz domain at the second level. So you are now able to register the shorter version of your New Zealand domain name, so you can have yourcompany.NZ as well as yourcompany.CO.NZ. Since it’s introduction, over 50,000 shorter simpler .nz domain names have been registered. Depending on […]

Time is running out to register your shorter .nz domain.
Time is running out to register your shorter .nz domain. If you’re eligible to register or reserve the shorter version of your .nz name, you’ve only got until 1pm 30 March 2015 to register and pay for your domain. Most of our clients who wanted the shorter version of their NZ domain, have already registered […]

Lots of New Top Level Domain Name Extensions Released
Our clients are now able to register a whole new range of recently released Top Level Domain Name Extensions. Gone are the restrictions of .co.nz, .com, .net etc at the end of your domain. You can now register new domains such as .builder, .kiwi, .bike or .me ! Most of these new domain names are […]

.NZ Domains 30 Day expiry for UDAIs
.NZ Domain Registrants should know that UDAIs (Unique Domain Authorisation ID) for all .NZ domains now expire after 30 days after they have last been generated. If you have previously saved your UDAI and it is older than 30 days, it will now be invalid. If you need your domain UDAI for registering a new […]

Apply to Pre-register a shorter .NZ Domain Name TODAY
Stake your claim in the .NZ land grab Apply to Pre-register a shorter .NZ domain TODAY For the first time ever, ‘second level’ domains like the .co in ‘.co.nz’ and the .org in ‘.org.nz’ are going to become optional. You’ll be able to get .NZ domain names with them, without them, or both. For […]